tisdag, maj 29, 2007

I'm a fake

I've spent the whole day today infront of the computer, doing my final exam. Good luck to me! I'm now supposed to do something in three days that should take a month and a half of studying. Ehm.. I suck. At discipline. The only kind of self-control I showed today was that I only checked my hotmail once and didn't even go online on MSN cause I knew I'd be stuck there for hours. I really didn't think I could make it but since I've written four pages today there's a slim chance I'll be able to pull it off. It won't be a well-written exam.. But it's either handing in an exam I am not a hundred percent happy with but will more than likely still make me pass.. or to spend the summer indoors (after work) finishing up what I could get off my shoulders on friday. I think I'll give the second alternative a shot.

Yesterday Mårten had his confirmation. It was OK, but I didn't feel quite alright with singing songs about praising the lord when I'm a atheist. Felt like a fake. But I love meeting up with my relatives. And there was cake.. My great aunts are really getting old though.. It's scary to think about. Ethel told me she'd put some bed sheets away for me, for when I move out. She's so sweet. I'm having breakfast with her on wednesday morning. We're going to make scones.

Me, Lisa, Jessica and Sanna went to see Zodiac yesterday aswell. It was good, really tense at some points and quite brutal, but it could easily be half an hour shorter. Good thing the actors kept it going, I love Robert Downey Jr. If he's in a movie it's almost like a stamp of approval. And Jake Gyllenhaal isn't too bad of an actor either.. Don't understand the hype about his looks though. There seems to be a tendency to do movies way too long nowadays.. it's like they think if the movie is over two hours long it's a proof that it's a serious and well crafted story. Which is true in some cases.. But in most cases it's what I like to call over-exaggerated. Like the Departed. Brilliant movie, yes, no doubt about it. But way too long. You would be able to cut away 40 minutes, easily. I have to see it again, in the comfort of my own home.

I'm going downstairs to chillax now. I think I deserve it after a whole day in my goddamn room.. It's like a cage when you're writing exams. Or atleast it feels like it..

Over and out.

1 kommentar:

Lojsie sa...

Du är så duktig. Är stolt är dig! (känner mig på pepp-humör).

Blä, kände nyss att jag stinker parfym. Tog på mig någon som har stått orörd i min bokylla i nåt år. Hm, borde nog ha låtit bli. Aja, nu måste jag vidare till nämndmöte. (Stinkbomben anfaller!)