lördag, juni 30, 2007


Förändringarnas tid är här! Har gjort ett medvetet val att börja skriva den här bloggen på mitt modersmål, svenska. Kanske för att merparten av mina läsare (hej Jessica och Lisa) är svenska, kanske för att jag känner att det är dags att släppa taget om Irland och det här är ett av stegen mot detta mål. Bli dock inte förvånade om det dyker upp inlägg skrivna på engelska emellanåt. Vill inte förlora mitt andraspråk helt och hållet.
Sitter just nu och glor på en himmel som, liksom jag, inte tycks veta riktigt vad den vill. Har varit väldigt ojämnt väder i ett par dar nu och det enda som är säkert är att det inte känns som att det är juli månad imorgon. Illa. Kom nyligen hem från min kära systers och mitt gemensamma släktkalas. Väldigt trevligt. God mat, godare kakor och gott sällskap. Men oj vad släktingarna börjar bli gamla. Det är lite jobbigt. Och om det är jobbigt för mig, tänk på hur jobbigt det måste vara för dom! Ajaj. Med tanke på att de alla börjar närma sig 85+ så blir man ju lite orolig.. Farmor säger jämnt "Bli inte gammal Karin" till mig. Jag tycker att det låter som en plan.
Så nu är jag några hundralappar rikare och en ledig dag fattigare. Har två lediga dagar nästa vecka så jag ska försöka ta mig till Simrishamn. Om man behöver miljöombyte så är Simrishamn det ultimata stället att bege sig till. Mamma frågade mig vad jag ska göra där. Mitt svar var "Ingenting". Det är hela poängen. Jag beger mig till Simrishamn för att göra ingenting. Jag är väl medveten om att detta kan göras hemma också, men det är något speciellt med att göra ingenting i Simrishamn. Att köpa en glass där klassas som att vara produktiv. My kind of place.. Dock måste vädret vara hyfsat för att jag ska orka. Dessutom så är det en utmärkt ursäkt för att åka tåg. I like. Om någon vill hänga på - leave a comment. Simrishamn är inte en exklusiv klubb - alla kan göra ingenting.
Just nu lyssnar jag på The Clash - I'm not down.
It is the shit.
Over and out.

fredag, juni 29, 2007

Ohh a set of mugs

Yes, it is the little things in life that gets me excited. Like a four pack of coffee mugs with a black and white flowery pattern for 99 kronor. I like - I bought. Spent quite a lot of money today at Nova but I figured I won't have any time to have a social life and let alone go shopping anymore this month so I can treat myself. Have to send the money for the rent to Helene though..

And I bought two skirts and a dress. Very nice. And some table cloths. Very random.

Tomorrow another ten hour shift awaits me plus some more baking. I'm probably heading out at night though - got invited to a sixties club and that sounds like something you can't say no to. So I didn't.

Over and out.

onsdag, juni 27, 2007

The Cage Called Biltema

As anticipated (I know myself a bit too well) I have not updated my blog as much as I would've wanted. I've spent the week baking, and yes, it is as non-exciting as it sounds. Since my dear sister is in charge of the dinner-part of the upcoming party I was left with the pastry-duties.
It would be fine and dandy - I love baking - if I actually had the time and energy to do it. But I don't right now. After a ten hour shift in work I don't really feel like doing anything, let alone to spend the rest of my evening baking. Mostly since it involves standing up, and, you know, doing something. My whole body's stiff as it is. I leave my apartment before nine and get back around the same time in the evening. Not cool. Atleast I have someone waiting there for me when I get back.. A shout-out to Bengt. Luv ya. And I'm very fond of my collection of music in Windows Media Player. I've created a monster of a playlist.
The worst of this week is over and done with anyway. I've worked four days in a row leaving me with ONE WHOLE DAY of freedom. This day of freedom is going to be spent in Lund in the company of Jessica and shopping. Oh yeah. And I've baked "toffee cakes" and today I made a chocolate cake. The finest chocolate cake there is.. Everyone should have the receipt. Leave a comment if you want it. It's fairly easy to do and I'll guarantee it'll leave you feeling all warm and cuddly inside. Yes, you will fall in love with it. Now there's only the biscottis and the rhubarb cake left to do. Some hardcore shit I tell you...
Over and out.

söndag, juni 24, 2007

The germans from Lund

Ah, I'm now sitting infront of my very pretty and fairly expensive new play-thing; the laptop named Bengt. I and Bengan, Bengan and I.. He is in need of some pimpin' - the loudspeakers are crap for watching movies and I would like a mouse cause I'm not a big fan of the touch pad. And some aesthetic improvements wouldn't be all bad either. Maybe I'll pay a visit to Lagerhaus and get a few of the stickers that'll basically stick to anything. Yes.. Maybe I will.

Yesterday we - me and Jessica - celebrated midsummer at my parents house. Didn't quite feel like sitting in the apartment staring into thin air and Jessica was in the same situation as me. So we turned to my parents for some company and some good food. But god almighty you end up eating too much. It's like a semi-christmas thing. Dinner, then strawberries with cream. Wait an hour and then on to the cake and coffee. And then one hour later - crisps and sweets. Madness!

Afterwards we went home to my place and there was some leftover sweets from the night before. And yes, we ate that too. It's like an orgie in food. And since Jessica hadn't seen it before I had to show her the genius that is Varan-TV. Hi-la-ri-ous. Everyone has to watch it. ALLA MÅSTE TITTA.

And speaking of movies, Pirates 3 wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I quite liked it. I still maintain that Jack Sparrow is one of the most overrated characters ever though. And that neither Orlando Bloom or Keira Knightley can act for shit. I think the only reason they get away with it is that it's about pirates. We all love them pirates...

And from now on I'm going to be working full-time. It's going to be interesting to see how long it will take for me to go slightly insane. The thought of getting up early and working ten hour
shifts for four-five days in a row makes me a tad twitchy, I must say. Good thing I have the party on Saturday to look forward too. Not so good is the fact that I don't have much time to get the cakes and pastries done in time, since I am working full days. I'll figure something out.. maybe I won't sleep for a week. Watched Fight Club the other day though, and that did kind of put me off the idea of not sleeping. Makes you go a bit crazy, apparently. Who would've thought such a thing?

Over and out.

måndag, juni 18, 2007

God in London.

It has been quite a while since I updated the blog, apparently. With all the shifts I've been working, the final exam and stuff I haven't exactly been keen to hang out in front of the computer. Hopefully this will change soon since I've now
1. Moved out of my parents house and is currently living by myself
2. A tiny TV that's only capable of showing channels 1, 2 and 4
3. Found a laptop that I'm picking up on Wednesday
Therefore I'm going to spend all my time on the internet/watching movies on my computer instead of relaxing in front of the tube, as I usually would. Expect a well-updated blog. Or maybe not, depending on how wrecked I'm going to be from working fulltime.
And yesterday I turned 22. Congrats to me for this achievement. I got the bedsheets I wanted, a towel and a shower curtain with skulls on them, a thermos for my coffee, the piggy bank from bluebox and some other stuff. And financial support towards my laptop. It's all good.
Today we're going to the cinema to see Pirates 3. It's probably going to be crap, but I don't care.
Over and out.