måndag, oktober 23, 2006

Just another manic monday..

Today I woke up at twelve.
Way too late.
The first thing I laid my eyes on was Pompe cuddling with Pecko, the giant yellow duck.
Some people would call it a sight for sore eyes.
I'm not one of them.

So I took him out for a walk (Pompe, not the giant yellow duck),

and then Heinz texted, saying he was online on skype.

I ended up spending three hours chatting with him.

Three hours I should've used working on my exam.

Then I cooked some dinner for the family.

And then we ate it.

Afterwards I actually had enough selfcontrol not to go and sit down infront of the telly.

I went upstairs and finished question 2 out of 4 on my exam instead.

I am such a good shitpit.

söndag, oktober 22, 2006

When two siblings fight...

Today, me and my brother saw a blue elephant that we both desired.
When we realised this was the case, a fight broke out.
It lasted for a whole of 30 seconds.
Then Jesus broke it up.
It seems like he wanted the blue elephant aswell.
And so he took it.
Damn that Jesus-type and his elephant-stealing ways.

First blog. EVER.

Ah yes.. some of you might say that I don't do nearly enough stuff to be able to fill a blog.
And you stand correct. Therefore I need to fill my time with pointless things, this being one of them.
And also its a way to get a break from that goddamn essay. I'm actually looking forward to having an ordinary exam, where you just need to memorize things and not really think. Scientifically written article my ass..

This has happened today:

I have studied. There is books everywhere and I'm getting bedsores on my ass from sitting in the sofa too long. I had to clean them, explaining the toiletpaper.

My TV is dead and I'm still in mourning. There's a clear void, in both my heart and my room.

Dear TV.. if you're listening.. please come back to me. Soon..

I called Heinz. He was half asleep. It's one of those days when I really miss him. And his distracting ways..

I stole his passports just in case he would get the idea to visit me.

I promise I won't sell them to a needy Hungarian that wants to move to Sweden to get a better future for his five kids and their goat. You see, I don't like goats.

I'm desperate for excuses not to study. So I went down for a cup of coffee and found a treasure I purchased earlier today.. the giant mutated carrot called Carl. He is scary but fascinating.

I was so excited when I found him that I was shaking.

He turned out to be a very sweet carrot.
The biggest ones always are..
Tomorrow I'm planning on telling a story about what happens when siblings sometimes fight.
It's bound to be exciting.
Over and out.
Yours truly,